Arti dari Mother | Ina Wroldsen

Terjemahan Lirik Lagu - Mother Ina Wroldsen

Mother, I have gone astray, ooh
Bunda, aku tlah tersesat, ooh

I'm sorry, but I've lost my way, ooh
Maafkan aku, tapi aku tlah hilang arah, ooh

Everybody knows my name here
Di sini semua orang tahu namaku

But nobody really knows me, ooh
Tapi tak ada yang benar-benar mengenalku, ooh

If I close my eyes real tight
Jika benar-benar kupejamkan mata

I can see what might have been
Aku bisa melihat apa yang tlah terjadi

If I turn out all the lights
Jika kupadamkan semua lampu

I can sit and just pretend
Aku bisa duduk dan berpura-pura

Mother I'm afraid to fall, ooh
Bunda, aku takut terjatuh, ooh

I don't know who else to call
Aku tak tahu siapa lagi yang bisa kuhubungi

I wanna come home
Aku ingin pulang

I wanna come home
Aku ingin pulang

Where the streets lead back to where I'm born
Dimana jalan membawaku kembali ke tempat kelahiranku

Where my feet feel steady on the ground
Dimana kakiku terasa kokoh di tanah

I wanna come home
Aku ingin pulang

Mother, can you take me home to you?
Bunda, bisakah kau membawaku pulang kepadamu?

Mother, can you take me home to you?
Bunda, bisakah kau membawaku pulang kepadamu?

Mother, can you hear my voice? Ooh
Bunda, bisakah kau dengar suaraku? Ooh

Calling through the dense white noise, ooh
Memanggil lewat sinyal-sinyal

I've been chasing dreams and stars, ooh
Aku mengejar mimpi dan bintang

Along the way I lost my heart, ooh
Di perjalanan, hatiku hilang, ooh

And if I sit alone real still
Dan jika aku duduk sendiri dalam hening

Sometimes I can feel you here
Kadang aku bisa merasakanmu di sini

Maybe you could take the wheel
Mungkin kau bisa mengemudi

Try and get me out of here
Cobalah keluarkan aku dari sini

Mother I have gone astray, ooh
Bunda, aku tlah tersesat, ooh

And tell me I will be okay
Dan katakan padaku bahwa aku kan baik-baik saja

I wanna come home
Aku ingin pulang

I wanna come home
Aku ingin pulang

Where the streets lead back to where I'm born
Dimana jalan membawaku kembali ke tempat kelahiranku

Where my feet feel steady on the ground
Dimana kakiku terasa kokoh di tanah

I wanna come home
Aku ingin pulang

Mother, can you take me home to you?
Bunda, bisakah kau membawaku pulang kepadamu?

Mother, can you take me home to you?
Bunda, bisakah kau membawaku pulang kepadamu?

Mother, can you take me home to you?
Bunda, bisakah kau membawaku pulang kepadamu?

Mother, can you take me home to you?
Bunda, bisakah kau membawaku pulang kepadamu?

Mother, can you take me home to you?
Bunda, bisakah kau membawaku pulang kepadamu?

Mother, can you take me home to you?
Bunda, bisakah kau membawaku pulang kepadamu?

Mother, can you take me home to you?
Bunda, bisakah kau membawaku pulang kepadamu?

Mother, can you take me home to you?
Bunda, bisakah kau membawaku pulang kepadamu?